At the office

Most people would agree - and the actions of many organizations in the private and public sector back this up - that co-creation, working with your stakeholders in a meaningful way to build from scratch or adjust your policy, product, or service is fully upon us.

There are all kinds of stats available that pretty much all lean (mostly heavily) towards the value of listening to and building with the people that are affected by your policy or use your product or service. Here is an article from the Huffington Post that is chock a block with research regarding the benefits of customer listening (and not listening).

It very much seems that co-creation and authentic feedback from stakeholders is here to stay. So, what does that mean? A clear trend that we have seen is that many organizations are figuring out how to be engaging with stakeholders on a more frequent, regular basis. For some this means having dialogues that last a much longer period of time with numerous engagement activities blended throughout, like the Generation Energy project with Natural Resources Canada. Each subsequent online activity was fueled by what participants had said in the preceding one. Others are opting for or considering what an ongoing dialogue with their stakeholders might look like in 2019. It's been interesting to work with a few organizations like that, allowing us the opportunity to put a much more progressive spin on the old market research models.

Co-creation illustration

We would be the first ones to say that we are biased around co-creation, in all of its forms, but that's because we have first-hand experience of how it can propel everyone forward. What's your take on co-creation and how you have or want to utilize it to benefit your organization and stakeholders?

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Success story

Success story

At the office

December 20th, 2019

Adam Coleman

Let's get started.